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Everyone wants to be well; healed, but the definition can mean different things to different people. Therefore, I feel the need to define healing so there will be a working definition throughout this journey to wholeness. Healing is the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again (Farlex, 2011). The key part of the definition contains one word – process.The true essence of healing is having the understanding that it is a process. Process means there are stages that will take time. This definition eliminates those quick fixes: “a teaspoon of this or a cup of that” approach. Healing does not have a set time limit, a certain formula, or the same outcome. The result is determined by the design of the individual and how the process has transformed that individual.God has created the design, set the benchmark, and made the standard for healing. He is the great healer. He is the “MD” for medical treatment. He is the “PhD” for psychological, spiritual, and emotional healing. God is the “Ed. D.” for education. He is the great I am.With the acknowledgement of His infinite wisdom, transforming power and supernatural authority, why do you fail to be healed? Is it truly the failure to be healed or the failure to recognize His ability to heal? This book seeks to go beyond just acknowledging God as the healer, but it will also discuss your role in the healing process.


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